PowerApps and SharePoint Integration

PowerApps and SharePoint Integration: Enhancing Collaboration and Productivity 

29 Jun 2023

Microsoft has been focusing on increasing end-user productivity for the past decade. An example of this strategy is PowerApps, a platform for developing custom applications by non-technical business experts. 

In 2015, Microsoft introduced PowerApps and gradually added SharePoint integration capabilities. One of the most popular options is the ability to display all SharePoint data within PowerApps. 

With PowerApps, you can manage organizational data using apps you create or apps shared with you by others. You can run apps on mobile devices or in a browser. 

Without ever needing to learn a programming language, PowerApps lets you make a variety of apps. This makes it a powerful tool that organizations rely on to enhance collaboration and productivity.  

By integrating PowerApps with SharePoint, you can create a seamless solution for creating custom apps and utilizing SharePoint’s content management features. This powerful duo allows anyone to build efficient and user-friendly apps for all kinds of organizations. 

How can you integrate PowerApps and SharePoint? 

To integrate PowerApps and SharePoint, follow these steps: 

  1. Create a PowerApp 

In order to integrate, you first need to create a PowerApp using the PowerApps environment. PowerApps provides a visual editor for designing custom applications without writing code. Apps can be defined by adding screens, forms, and controls, and specifying their functionality. Both developers and non-developers can build powerful applications with an intuitive interface. 

  1. Connect to SharePoint 

PowerApps and SharePoint must be connected in order to be integrated. PowerApps allows you to add SharePoint as a data source. With this connection, your PowerApp can access SharePoint lists and libraries, enabling data integration and management. 

  1. Define SharePoint as a data source 

When you’ve connected to SharePoint, you must define it as a data source in your PowerApp. This step allows you to retrieve data from SharePoint and update it as needed. The SharePoint data source enables you to access various SharePoint entities, such as lists, libraries, and items, to enrich the functionality of your PowerApp. 

  1. Customize your app 

As soon as the connection is established and SharePoint is defined as a data source, you can customize your PowerApp. SharePoint data can be displayed on screens, forms can be created to capture user input, and controls can be added to allow users to interact. Creating visually appealing and user-friendly applications is easy with PowerApps’ design options, including prebuilt templates. 

  1. Use SharePoint data in PowerApps 

By integrating PowerApps with SharePoint, you can use SharePoint data within your PowerApp. SharePoint lists and libraries can be retrieved and displayed in your app’s screens. You can also implement Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD) operations to interact directly with SharePoint data from your PowerApp. 

  1. Publish and share the PowerApp  

Once your PowerApp has been built and customized, it’s time to make it available to users. You can publish your app with PowerApps, which generates a unique URL that users can access. This URL can be shared with your intended audience, making it accessible on a variety of devices and platforms. Additionally, you can embed PowerApps into SharePoint pages using the PowerApps web part, allowing a seamless experience within SharePoint. 

  1. Embed PowerApp in SharePoint 

You can further enhance the integration by embedding the PowerApp within SharePoint. Using the PowerApps web part, you can embed your PowerApp directly into SharePoint pages. As a result of this integration, users can access and interact with the app without leaving the SharePoint environment. When the PowerApp is embedded in SharePoint, users can work with SharePoint data seamlessly from within the PowerApp interface, which enhances collaboration and productivity. 

  1. Set permissions 

It’s crucial to configure permissions for both the PowerApp and the underlying SharePoint resources to ensure data security. Setting permissions appropriately ensures that only authorized users can access and interact with the PowerApp and its associated SharePoint data. 

PowerApps and SharePoint can be integrated effectively with these steps, enabling you to build custom applications that leverage SharePoint data and functionality. 

Introducing a Digital Transformation Tool 

PowerApps and SharePoint work together to support digital transformation. By providing seamless data access and management, PowerApps simplifies processes by enabling users to connect to SharePoint and retrieve data directly from lists and libraries within their custom applications. By eliminating multiple interfaces and systems, this streamlined approach promotes efficiency and centralizes data management. By offering enhanced customization options, such as forms, screens, and controls, PowerApps enhances user adoption and productivity. Moreover, its mobile-friendly capabilities enable users to access SharePoint data and interact with custom applications on the go, enabling flexible and remote work. 

Digital transformation is driven by process automation and workflow optimization, and PowerApps excels in these areas. Using SharePoint and Power Automate, organizations can automate workflows and trigger actions based on predefined conditions. It reduces human error, minimizes manual effort, and speeds up the completion of tasks. Additionally, PowerApps integrates seamlessly with existing systems, maximizing investments and bridging gaps between applications and data sources. Integrating these technologies creates a unified digital ecosystem, eliminates data silos, and maximizes the value of existing resources. 


The integration of PowerApps and SharePoint offers organizations a powerful toolset for enhancing collaboration and productivity. By leveraging PowerApps’ capabilities, organizations can streamline data access, customize user experiences, and enable mobile accessibility, enabling efficiency and flexibility. Furthermore, the integration simplifies processes and optimizes workflows, reducing manual effort and ensuring consistency. By integrating with existing systems, PowerApps maximizes investments and creates a connected digital ecosystem. 

This powerful combination of PowerApps and SharePoint supports digital transformation initiatives by providing a seamless solution for creating custom applications and leveraging SharePoint’s content management features. Whether it’s streamlining data access, automating processes, or improving user experiences, PowerApps and SharePoint integration empower organizations to transform their operations, enhance collaboration, and drive productivity. These tools allow organizations to embark on their digital transformation journey with confidence and embrace the future of work. 

Do You Need Microsoft Power Apps Training for Power Apps?   

ClinkIT Solutions is a 6x Gold Microsoft Partner and is more than equipped to help your organization get the most out of Power Apps. Talk to us today to see how our Power Apps development solutions can help you solve some of your biggest business challenges.  

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