Phishing is the #1 threat to businesses today. Despite the plethora of email filtering solutions, security awareness training and simulation providers, the threat has never been greater.
The Scale To The One movement aims to promote change in the market mindset as well as corporate phishing protection toolkits, to say NO to the way phishing protection is being approached today, and to empower the company’s first line of defense against phishing – THE ONE
There are many anti-phishing solutions available – including security awareness training and simulations – but 74% of phishing attacks are successful in the US, and the average loss per attack has reached $4 million.
There is no doubt that the current solutions cannot solve the problem. Despite this, the market continues to offer the same solutions. There has been a rise in both volume and complexity of threats, but the market has not kept pace, resulting in significant weaknesses in corporate security architectures.
The current phishing protection strategies and technologies do not work. We need a change! Protecting employees from phishing must begin at the employee level – not at the perimeter.
Let’s toast to your success!