Display advertising promotes a product or service using text, logos, animation, videos, photographs, or other graphics. Strategically placed ads are featured on specific websites and platforms and target a specific audience. Display Ads are designed to catch the attention of the target consumer and intrigue them into learning about the product or service offered.
Benefits of Display Advertising
Visually Appealing
Display ads is all about creating a visually appealing representation of the brand’s values, personality, and ambition. In order to attract consumers, a display ad must include eye-catching, strategically structured content to promote the product or service offered.
Unlike advertising on television and radio, display ads cost significantly less. TV and radio ads force brands to invest large amounts of capital in production (especially if a well-known celebrity is asked to promote the product or service). Display ads get the message across just as effectively and at a fraction of the cost.
Entices Target Audience
Display advertising helps generate interest from the target audience. Let’s say a consumer is on the web, looking for cake recipes. By placing an ad for a certain cake brand, the consumer sees what they want i.e. the cake recipe and subtly introduces them to the cake brand being advertised.
For Remarketing Purposes
Display ads can be strategically situated for sites to target a very specific demographic. It is a way to reconnect with leads or potential customers and encourage them to complete an action i.e. make the purchase.
Track and Monitor Engagement
Websites like Google and Facebook offer detailed reports on display advertisements. This helps brands plan which marketing strategy to watch out for by knowing what display ads get the most clicks, which sites are most popular among users, and when people are most exposed to display ads.
Types of Display Advertising
Standard Banner Ad
A standard banner ad, the simplest of all ads, is usually just a picture that directs the user to the brand’s site when clicked. There are no sounds, videos, or any other additional features.
Animated Ads
Animated ads are an upgrade from Standard Banner Ads. They contain moving pictures and often include audio that also highlights the product.
Interactive Ads
Interactive ads promote consumer interaction – users can try out a demo of the product, tool, or service offered. Interactive ads are popular among mobile video games.
Video Ads
Video ads generate a lot of interaction from customers. Movie trailers are an example of a video ad. They are mainly seen in streaming platforms such as YouTube or Netflix.
Expandable Ads
Expandable ads are, as its name suggests, advertisements that expand beyond the original size of the ad unit and take up most of the screen. Some ads expand automatically as the page loads while some expandable ads only work when a user clicks on it.
Lightbox Ads
A lightbox ad is a type of expandable ad. It has similar features as the expandable ad, but may contain videos, animation, audio, and other content.
Interstitial Ads
Popular among mobile games. Interstitial ads work by taking up the entire screen of the user during transition points that occur naturally within the game.
360-Degree Video Ads
These ads are a more modern take of the previous styles as they incorporate virtual reality technology. The name best describes this type of ad. Consumers get to test or see a product advertised by rotating their phones.
Display advertising must be an integral part of a company’s digital marketing plan. Here’s a short guide on how to run a successful display advertising campaign.
- Create a customized message for target audience
You need to drive the right traffic to your website – and it will not come from those who are never going to buy your product or pay for the service you offer. Focus on your target accounts – the full group of sure buyers and prospective consumers – so you can eliminate waste and guarantee increased and substantial conversion. - Choose the right tools for campaign execution
Display advertising success is dependent on many factors and you can’t be expected to know all of it. However, you should take time to find the right tools early on and invest in them. This will lead to smoother campaign production and ensure that a particular ad campaign will be much more likely to deliver the targeted ROI. - Integrate display advertising on your website
There are many missed opportunities for a brand every time someone clicks through an ad and are taken to a landing page that has nothing to do with the specific product or service offer within the ad. Display advertising should not be considered a standalone effort. Incorporating ads into your website design – whether featured prominently or just occupying a tiny portion of the page – can help unlock positive growth in your ad-based revenue. Also, make sure that you can deliver a consistent viewing experience across all your channels.
A well planned and carefully executed display advertising strategy will allow your business to reach a larger audience with targeted messaging. If you want a winning display advertising strategy, request for a FREE CONSULTATION with a digital marketing expert right away.